There are many ways to lose 5-7 kg in a week or more. The essence of weight loss is to consume a product for a week, sometimes two or three.
This is why many women are looking for options to lose 7 kg in a week and remove the stomach and thighs because the extra pounds have a bad effect on the health. To get rid of stomach and sides in seven days, you need to follow a few simple rules. We will tell you what they are.
The figure of girls has a unique feature - the tendency to store excess fat in the lower abdomen and thighs. This is especially noticeable after childbirth, when the weight is overweight. A diet and a series of special exercises will help.
A slim and fit figure requires many restrictions and sacrifices. On the way to a flat stomach, you will need to follow a strict diet and exercise regularly. Losing weight dramatically in a week will not work without damaging your health. But you can lose 5 to 7 extra pounds. Stick to a diet, add physical activity, and the body fat will go unnoticed.
It's worth knowing that it is impossible to easily lose weight in one zone, no matter what the advertising and supplement sellers promise. Any trainer and nutritionist will tell you that deposits do not go away locally. This effect can only be achieved instantly with liposuction or plastic surgery, but not at home. To transform yourself, you will need to change your diet and start doing special exercises.
The Basics of Good Nutrition for Weight Loss
- Emphasis is placed on the components of fruits and vegetables, preferably fresh, but cooking, stewing, steaming, light frying with a minimum amount of vegetable oil are also allowed;
- Cross out completely light carbohydrates (sugar, confectionery);
- Use a combination of all nutrients, even fats and carbohydrates, but in small amounts, the basis of the diet - protein, minerals, fiber;
- It is imperative to add healthy cereals to the menu - buckwheat, oats, bulgur, pearl barley, they are eaten without adding butter, milk, sugar and lots of salt;
- Don't eat too much and don't drink a lot;
- We must not forget that saturation must be motivated by energy costs;
- Choose the smallest plates available in the house or replace them with saucers. This will have a psychological effect, because you will still eat a full plate, although the portion is 2-3 times smaller. The color of the dishes also matters. It should not be stimulating or associated with food. Here the shade is selected individually. Psychologists recommend soft white and neutral tones - blue, greenish, pale pink;
- You cannot take food on the go, in front of a computer screen, or while viewing messages on your phone. The atmosphere should be calm and measured. Focus on the process, enjoy the taste. Saturation will therefore come faster. You should also not eat while standing or lying down;
- Avoid alcoholic cocktails completely. They stimulate the appetite;
- It is recommended that you schedule events and save changes. It is helpful to keep records. You can create a kind of diary, where it won't hurt to attach pictures of gracefully shaped people and your own corrected photo - the goal of your efforts;
- Increase your physical activity. You can walk to work if the distances allow it, forget about the elevators, introduce night walks in the great outdoors;
- Make sure you meet the healthy food requirements.
10 reasons to prevent stomach and thighs from losing weight
Despite the worldwide practice of weight loss, not everyone is able to achieve significant results. It may even seem that everything seems to be done according to the canons of dietetics. Losing 7 kg weight per week, removing thighs and stomach is only possible if you follow certain rules.
People make several mistakes when they refuse to seek expert help. But the lack of knowledge can always be compensated if there is a desire to see a slender figure in the mirror.
The top 10 reasons that keep you from losing weight are:
- Age.After 35 years, a person's hormonal background changes. In particular, less testosterone is secreted. It is this hormone that helps young athletes to always delight others with a slender figure. The lack of testosterone is more pronounced in women, therefore, after 30 years of age, it is more effective to establish nutrition than to burn out with physical activity. Certainly, this does not mean that you can lose 7 kg weight in a week and remove your stomach and thighs while lying on the sofa;
- Stress.Loose nerves lead to belly fat in two ways. First, the body responds to stress by producing cortisol, which triggers the build-up of excess stores;
- Standby.People who "hang out" on the Internet after midnight are less likely to lose weight than those who already sleep at 11: 00 PM. The reason is also the hormones. Normal 8-hour sleep stimulates the production of melatonin. This substance is one of the essential components in the breakdown of body fat;
- Fasting.Regularly forgetting to eat breakfast, a person signals to the body that there is not enough food and that it is necessary to refuel. Plain oatmeal and fruit in the morning will help prevent this reaction;
- Snacks.By refusing large portions of food, people often allow themselves small weaknesses, believing that it will not hurt. Seeds, nuts, sugar in tea or candy to reward you with another day of torment in the fight against extra pounds. All this leads to an imperceptible excess of calories, which leads to the appearance of fat on the stomach and thighs;
- Diet.Even when on a diet, many women are in no rush to give up milk and meat. It is necessary to choose skimmed milk and dietary types of meat so that the fat accumulated by the animal before slaughter does not settle in problem areas;
- Drugs.The popularity and availability of hormonal drugs may play a role in weight gain. If, for example, a doctor prescribes a certain modern contraceptive for a woman, it is unlikely that this will lead to endocrine dysfunction. But self-medication with such drugs often provokes the formation of extra pounds;
- Belief in chemistry.Numerous rigorous studies and diet statistics show that losing weight naturally is more effective through lifestyle and diet changes. The uncontrolled intake of "superpills" and herbal teas, promising to remove the stomach and thighs without physical exertion, as well as to lose weight in a week not by 5-7, but by 10 kg, will most likely resultby a final imbalance of the metabolism. The violation of metabolic processes will subsequently lead to instant weight gain, when the woman is already delighted with the "miracle";
- Motivation.The first step in losing weight should be to set a clear goal. Then all that remains is to achieve it;
- Genetics.It is easier for girls with a pear-shaped figure to lose weight. But wide hips can easily return all the burnt fat. Women with the figure of an apple, who by nature have narrow thighs and a wide waist, lose weight much more difficult. But when they overcome themselves, they receive an unexpected genetic bonus. Skinny "Apple" women are much easier to stabilize their weight.
The burning of fat by the human body does not proceed uniformly. The main thing is to maintain the general direction, the body weight may not change for a while or even increase a little, and then fall sharply. Thin people lose weight more slowly than fat people. Patience and strict adherence to the rules will ensure success.
After fixing the errors, you can see how a little miracle happens. And small recommendations for express methods of weight loss will help to consolidate the result.
There is also the famous Ducan diet. It is the first technique developed with a structural approach to weight loss. The diet is based on the principle of protein nutrition.
What foods contribute to weight loss and rapid metabolism
- Dietary meats (turkey, chicken, rabbit, veal);
- Lean fish;
- Boiled or steamed eggs;
- Low-fat dairy products - yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir, milk, sour cream;
- Vegetables, berries, fruits, including in the form of fresh fruit juice;
- Bran bread;
- Whole grain cereals;
- Dried fruits (raisins, figs, dried apricots, apricots, prunes, dried apples) and all nuts - dosed;
- Seeds - sesame, flax, pumpkin, sunflower;
- All vegetable oils;
- Drinks - teas, medicinal teas, weak coffee, fruit drinks, unsweetened compotes, jelly, fresh fruit juices, mineral water.
How to eat well to lose weight
The main goal of weight loss is to create a calorie deficit. Calculate your exercise goal and reduce the value by 10%. Eat small meals often.
To lose weight you need to exclude these foods from the diet and find an alternative to them:
- Sweets, pastries, flour products. If you really want to replace them with fruits, nuts, dried fruits, honey, natural marshmallows, marshmallows;
- Fatty fried foods. When cooking food, use a minimum of vegetable oil. Make friends with the oven, steamer, grill;
- Time to put the sausages away. They contain a lot of fat and chemical components. Instead, cook beef, chicken, fish, seafood;
- Soft drinks, beer, alcoholic cocktails. Alternative options - mineral water without gas, a glass of dry red wine, green tea, herbal tea;
- Fast food, chips, croutons. Anything wrong can be done at home without using the wrong ingredients, which will help you lose weight.
- Remove semi-finished products. You won't know how to guarantee weight loss if you keep eating it. Buckwheat, rice, oatmeal are cooked almost as quickly, and a piece of meat baked in the oven (it takes 30 minutes) will bring much more benefit;
- Sauces, mayonnaise, salad dressings are the enemies of a slender stomach. A good alternative is sour cream, natural yogurt, olive oil, sunflower oil, homemade mayonnaise.
Fractional Nutrition Will Help You Lose Weight
Within 2-3 days, the waist will become noticeably thinner. Gradually the body will get used to eating on time, small portions will be enough for the stomach, while the arrow on the scales will quickly descend, and the stomach will become smaller.
Basic rules of fractional nutrition:
- Portion not more than 200 g. Even if it is watery vegetables or fruit, you don't need to increase the amount. It is better to think about the meal in advance, eat a piece of meat or an egg and add the desired foods to it.
- Pause between meals for at least 2. 5 hours and no more than 3. 5 hours. At the moment, you can only drink water. Any berry or small nut at the wrong time is a violation of the rule.
- You cannot eat at night, but you can eat 3 hours before bedtime. If we fall asleep at 11: 30 p. m. , the last meal can be eaten at 8: 30 p. m. After 6: 00 p. m. you need to eat in rare cases, so as not to slow down the metabolism.
You should eat different foods throughout the day. Porridge, soups, meat, vegetables and fish are necessary for the normal functioning of the body, they will make the diet varied and satisfying.
Avoid junk food
There is a category of products whose use is undesirable. Even in small amounts, they inhibit weight loss, clog the body, disrupt metabolic processes and cause a strong appetite. Without them, things will go much faster, fat will not settle on the stomach and hips, hunger will disappear.
You can not eat chips, mayonnaise, fast food, semi-finished meat products, sausages, drink beer. Also included in this list are trans fats and margarine, which are most commonly found in purchased confectionery. Finding a cake with real butter or sour cream on store shelves is almost impossible.
Every cake with a questionable filling will inadvertently lead to weight gain and abdominal growth, as the body cannot break down the chemical similarity of butter. If you want something sweet, it is better to make a dessert at home with real products.
Sauces are the enemies of a slender figure, whatever their composition and type. How many people can eat regular boiled potatoes, buckwheat, chicken or pasta? Very little. And with sauces and gravy? The number increases, sometimes several times.
Remove the stomach and the excess on the thighs
Want to reset in 7 days, I don't know where to start. Popular proven diets will tell you how to lose 5-10 kg in a week and remove your tummy and thighs:
- Buckwheat bunch.Eat buckwheat porridge every day for a week. Three main meals are only buckwheat (without salt, sugar, oil), between a glass of low-fat kefir (up to 1. 5 liters). The weight will disappear quickly;
- Kefir.The diet for a week consists of kefir, raw vegetables, boiled chicken breast. Drink plenty of fluids. Lose up to 7 kg. ;
- Estonian version.Every day there is a product: Monday - hard-boiled eggs 6 pcs. Tuesday - fat-free cottage cheese 1 kg. Wednesday - white chicken meat 300 g. Thursday - boiled rice without salt 300 g. Friday - boiled potatoes 6 pcs. Saturday - sour apples 1 kg. Sunday - low-fat kefir 1, 5 liters;
- The keto diet.Take protein daily 5 times a day. In addition, you can diversify the menu with other delicious products;
- Dinner until 6: 00 p. m.During the week, try to eat dinner before 6 p. m. Later you can only drink water. Those who go to bed early will not experience the discomfort of an early dinner.
With a sudden weight loss of 7 kg, the skin on the abdomen and thighs will sag and stretch marks will appear. To avoid the problem, a series of exercises is attached to the diet.
Squats and lunges are good for the hips and abdomen. For the press, pumping the muscles while lifting the body is necessary, lifting the legs straight is effective in the thighs and abdomen.
Exercises to slim the abdomen and thighs at home
You can also play sports at home. It is enough to know that during strength training the legs become waffle and graceful, but at the same time they increase in size. To lose weight after swelling your legs, you need to eat a diet high in protein and eliminate harmful sweets.
To lose weight in the stomach, you don't need to pump the abs, otherwise the stomach will only increase in size. The best exercise is the plank.
Performing these simple exercises daily will increase the effectiveness of the diet, strengthen the muscles in the body, help lose excess faster, and give the contours of the hips, abdomen and waistline relief and relief. a pleasant definition:
- Swing your legs. After these exercises, the legs immediately acquire beautiful curves. You should do the exercises alternately 100 times on each leg in two approaches;
- Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lean forward and down, trying to reach the floor with your fingers. Linger in this position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position;
- Stand up straight, arms at the seams, feet together. Very slowly, bend your torso to the right side until it stops, bend your left arm parallel to the elbow and place it at the waist. Repeat the tilt in the opposite direction. Perform the movement slowly so that muscle tension is felt along the entire length;
- Squat 20 times in 3 sets, taking 1 minute breaks to catch your breath. When doing this exercise, try to keep your back straight. Over time, you can increase the number of squats and sets. To make the exercise more difficult, try squatting alternately on each leg;
- Sit on the floor, lie on your side, and put your right hand behind your head. Spread your shoulders and unfold them so that the ceiling is visible. Gently raise and lower the body 13 to 15 times in each direction;
- Jump rope. This exercise machine burns more calories than running, so feel free to grab the rope. When jumping, land on your entire foot, and not on your toes, so as not to transfer all the work to your calves;
- Lie on your side, put your elbow on the floor, lift your leg, trying to keep it as straight as possible. Repeat the exercise 15 times, lying first on one side, then on the other;
- Lie on your back, stretch your legs and bend your arms at the elbows and place them behind your head. Bend one leg and pull it towards the stomach. With the elbow of the opposite hand, try to touch the knee. Repeat all movements in the opposite direction;
- Remember children's exercise "scissors": lie on your back, lift your legs, bring them across, then spread them apart, repeat the movement 20 times. Be active. You can schedule jogging in the morning in summer and skiing in winter. Burn those extra calories while dancing while listening to your favorite music. When you get home, go up the stairs imagining how with each new step you get closer to your ideal;
- Sit on the edge of a chair, stretch your legs. Sit down, supporting yourself on your hands, then return to the starting position.
All exercises focus on light weight and maximum repetitions. When planning a program for the week, you should change the type of activity each day to prevent the muscles from getting used to the load. If you are on a mono diet, diversify your menu so you don't gain weight after quitting.
And now it is time to find out which exercises for slimming abdomen, thighs and sides at home for women that can be done with their own weight without dumbbells or simulators.
Proper skin care for weight loss
When losing weight with or without dieting, it is important to cleanse the body well. The skin is a conductor through which salts and decomposition products are released with sweat. It is advisable to take a shower 2 times a day, with insufficient cleaning, the pores will become dirty, blockages and acne may appear.
- Scrubbing.The exfoliation of dead cells helps the skin renew itself faster, get rid of cellulite, prevent stretch marks or make them less visible. For the scrub, you can use purchased or natural products: ground coffee, salt, sugar, oatmeal;
- Shower of Contrast.This procedure will help remove the thighs and stomach, recharge energy, maintain skin tone and have a firming effect;
- Baths.They can also help you lose weight and maintain your skin, but it depends a lot on supplements. Soda baths, pine, salt baths are very popular;
- Bath, sauna.Heat treatments improve blood circulation, cleanse pores, and are helpful for weight loss.
It is important to moisturize and nourish the skin after water procedures. The funds are selected taking into account their nature and purpose. Anti-cellulite slimming products can be applied to the thighs and buttocks. For other parts of the body, regular creams and oils are suitable. In the hot season, light lotions are sufficient.
Baths for slimming thighs and abdomen
In the fight against excess weight, special slimming baths help. You can prepare them yourself at home, the cooking methods are simple and straightforward.
The most popular baths are:
- Cleopatra.For 1 liter of hot milk, add 100 g of liquid honey, stir. Pour the mixture into the bath. For more effect, take a glass of sour cream and 100 g of coarse sea salt, prepare a scrub. Apply the scrub on your body, then soak it in milk water. Even from the first application, the skin will noticeably rejuvenate and the cellulite from the exfoliation will become less noticeable;
- Mustard.The lymphatic drainage effect can be obtained from a mustard bath. First, dilute 100 g of mustard powder with lukewarm water to the consistency of sour cream. Take a bath, pour liquid mustard into it. Soak in water for up to 10 minutes, be sure to rinse the mustard from the body with a shower;
- Soda bath for weight loss.Soda prevents the absorption of lipids. When the body is steamed in a bath, intensive cleansing of the body of toxins and toxins occurs, as a result of which the body volume decreases. Take a glass of baking soda for the bath. You can add a glass of sea salt to the water. Take a bath for 10 minutes, no more;
- With essential oils.Lemon, grapefruit and orange essential oils will help fight cellulite. Put 2-3 drops of each oil in a glass of warm milk and pour the mixture into the water. The essential oil bath has a relaxing effect;
- Turpentine.The elasticity of the skin is greatly improved by the resin of conifers. Turpentine is simply obtained from resin, you can buy it at the pharmacy. Before use, carefully read the instructions for the drug. Prepare a bath as directed and soak in it for 10 minutes. Then take a cool shower.
After a bath, while the body is steamed and all pores are open, massage yourself with a washcloth or with your hands. During the massage, apply a lifting cream to the skin, it will make the skin more toned.
Losing 7 kg weight in a week and getting rid of stomach and thighs is quite possible, while your health and mood will be excellent. A little effort and endurance - and your goal will be achieved. Don't wait, start to change your life from today, then after about 7 days your figure will be in order.
Find the right complex for you, lose weight and reduce your thighs and stomach a few inches. However, the lost weight can come back. Emergency weight loss ends with weight gain.
To reduce body weight, you need to follow the recommendations:
- Eat small meals 5-6 times a day, leave the table with a slight feeling of hunger;
- You can't use hunger as a way to lose weight;
- Take clean water regularly, try to drink at least 3 liters per day;
- Eat only healthy and fresh foods;
- Calculate the daily calorie intake for the correct body weight and never exceed it;
- Cook meat products without using oil;
- Engage in physical activity or sport;
- Go to a wellness massage, take a contrast shower and take a steam bath;
- Standby 6 to 8 hours. Lack of sleep often leads to overeating and a set of extra pounds;
- If you want to eat sweets, try brushing your teeth.
Eat balanced and natural foods. When calculating calories, it is necessary to make entries in the food diary. You cannot be hungry. Low calorie snacks are a must.
Some women lose weight even more than before. This is due to the fact that after the end of the diet a person throws himself on the dishes from which he abstained for a week. A hungry body quickly assimilates all the food consumed.